Policies & Procedures

Definitions of Leadership Roles at Liberty Temple Chicago
To enhance understanding and clarity within our church community, we provide brief definitions of the various leadership roles within Liberty Temple Chicago. This guide serves to acquaint members with the structure and responsibilities of those serving in leadership capacities.

Apostolic Core

•Chief Apostle Clifford Turner, Jr.: The primary spiritual overseer and visionary leader of Liberty Temple Chicago, responsible for setting the overall direction of the church and ensuring its alignment with God’s purposes.

•Apostle Deleia Turner: A key spiritual leader who works alongside the Chief Apostle in guiding the church’s spiritual direction, focusing on outreach and discipleship.

•Apostle Denise Cross: Focuses on pastoral care and spiritual growth initiatives, supporting the congregation in deepening their faith and spiritual understanding.

•Apostle Victoria Turner: Engages with youth and young adult ministries, ensuring that the church meets the spiritual needs of younger generations while fostering leadership skills.

The Apostolic Core collectively represents the highest level of spiritual authority within the church, providing oversight, vision, and doctrinal guidance.

Leadership Team

•Comprised of: The Apostolic Core, Pastors, and Elders.

Senior Pastors: responsible for preaching, teaching, and the overall spiritual and administrative leadership of the church. They shepherd the congregation, guide the church’s vision, oversee operations, and work in close collaboration with the Apostolic Core, Pastors and Elders to nurture a healthy, vibrant spiritual community.

Pastors: Responsible for shepherding the congregation, preaching, teaching, and leading various church activities that nurture the spiritual life of the church members.

Senior Elders are experienced leaders who provide spiritual oversight and governance alongside Senior Pastors and the Apostolic Core. They contribute to decision-making, offer wisdom on doctrinal matters, engage in teaching, and mentorship, and ensure the church’s adherence to its mission and biblical foundations. Their role is pivotal in maintaining unity and addressing the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Elders: Lay leaders who support the Senior Elders in spiritual oversight, pastoral care, and the practical governance of the church. They play a crucial role in decision-making processes, discipleship, and maintaining the church’s doctrinal integrity.

Ministry Coordinators

Auxiliary Directors: Ministers who oversee different church groups and ministries, such as music, youth, outreach, and education. These leaders ensure that each ministry operates effectively, aligns with the church’s vision, and meets the spiritual and community needs.

Responsibilities: Include planning and executing ministry activities, leading volunteer teams, and collaborating with the leadership team to contribute to the church’s overall mission.

Ministry Leaders: Those holding a fivefold office as well as Deacons, Elders, and Elects.

•Fivefold Office: Leaders ordained or affirmed in one of the five roles described in Ephesians 4:11-13, tasked with equipping the saints for the work of ministry and building up the body of Christ.

•Deacons: Serve in various practical and service-oriented roles within the church, assisting with the administration, community care, and operational needs.

•Elders: As mentioned, they provide spiritual oversight alongside pastors but also engage significantly in teaching, counseling, and prayer ministries.

•Elects: Members identified for their potential in leadership, undergoing training and mentorship to prepare for ordained ministry roles within the church.

This structured approach to leadership ensures that Liberty Temple Chicago is able to effectively minister to its congregation and community, reflecting the diverse gifts and callings within the body of Christ. Through their dedicated service, leaders at all levels work together to fulfill the church’s mission and vision, guided by the principles of scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Policy on Active Participation in Church Life
Purpose and Biblical Basis

•Purpose: To encourage and foster a vibrant, active, and engaged church community where every member contributes to the body of Christ, according to their gifts and calling. This policy aims to underline the importance of regular attendance, participation in church activities, and involvement in ministry.

•Biblical Basis: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12:4-6a, NIV). This passage highlights the diversity of gifts within the church and the importance of each member’s active participation.

Expectations for Active Participation

•Worship Services: Members are encouraged to regularly attend worship services, as this is a vital aspect of spiritual growth, fellowship, and communal worship.

•Ministries and Service: Members are encouraged to discover their spiritual gifts and interests and to seek opportunities to serve within the church’s various ministries. This may include joining a ministry team, participating in outreach efforts, or volunteering for church events and projects.

•Small Groups and Discipleship: Active involvement in small groups, Bible studies, or discipleship programs is encouraged to foster deeper relationships, accountability, and spiritual maturity.

•Church Meetings and Decisions: Members are encouraged to participate in congregational meetings and decisions, offering their insights, gifts, and votes as applicable, to contribute to the direction and health of the church.

Supporting Member Engagement

•New Members Class: A class for new members will provide an overview of the church’s beliefs, vision, and opportunities for involvement, helping to integrate members into the life of the church.

•Gifts Assessment and Placement: The church will offer spiritual gifts assessments and consultations to help members identify their gifts and find suitable ministry opportunities.

•Recognition and Encouragement: Regular acknowledgment of members’ contributions and achievements will be made to encourage continued involvement and to affirm the value of each person’s service to the church community.

Accountability and Support

•Pastoral Care and Follow-Up: Pastoral staff and ministry leaders will provide support and follow-up for members to encourage continued engagement and to address any barriers to active participation.

•Flexibility and Understanding: Recognizing the varying capacities and life stages of members, the church will offer flexibility and understanding, encouraging each member to participate in a manner that is sustainable and life-giving for them.

Review and Adaptation

•Feedback and Evaluation: The church will regularly seek feedback from the congregation on how to better facilitate and support active participation, ensuring that the policy remains effective and responsive to the community’s needs.
Policy on Open Communication and Respectful Engagement

To ensure a conducive environment for worship and fellowship, Liberty Temple Chicago is committed to fostering open, respectful communication between the congregation and church leadership. This policy outlines the appropriate channels and manners for such communications, ensuring that all concerns, disputes, or suggestions are addressed effectively without disrupting the sacred atmosphere of worship services.

Guidelines for Open Communication

•Channels for Communication: Members are encouraged to communicate any concerns, disputes, disagreements, or suggestions with church leadership. Such communications can be conducted in person after church services, through direct engagement with an auxiliary director, church leadership, or the Apostolic Core. Alternatively, communications can be sent via email to info@libertytemplechicago.org.

•Scheduling Discussions: To facilitate productive and respectful dialogue, members wishing to discuss issues in person are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the relevant church leadership or auxiliary director. This ensures that adequate time and attention are given to the matter outside of the worship service schedule. To schedule an appointment, please visit www.libertytemplechicago.org/schedule. 

Respectful Communication

•Definition of Disrespectful Communication: Disrespectful communication includes, but is not limited to, yelling, using offensive language, making personal attacks, and any form of communication that disrupts the peace and dignity of individuals and the church community. Such behavior is not in keeping with the biblical principles of love, respect, and gentleness towards one another.

Guidelines for Respectful Engagement

•Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), aiming for constructive and edifying dialogue.

•Address the issue at hand without personal attacks or generalizations.

•Listen actively and seek to understand the other person’s perspective.

During Church Services

•Maintaining Worship Atmosphere: To preserve the sanctity and order of worship services, members are asked to refrain from addressing disputes or airing grievances during service times. The worship service is a time for communal prayer, worship, and teaching, which should be kept free from distractions and disruptions.

•Policy on Outbursts: Any outburst or disruptive behavior during church services will not be tolerated. Individuals causing such disruptions will be respectfully asked to leave the service and may be invited to discuss their concerns through the appropriate channels outlined above, at a more suitable time.

•Immediate Removal: The church reserves the right to remove any individual from the service who disrupts the worship environment. This action is a last resort, intended to preserve the sanctity of the service and the safety and well-being of the congregation.

Implementation and Support

•Awareness and Education: The church will regularly communicate this policy to the congregation, ensuring that all members are aware of the appropriate channels for communication and the expectations for respectful engagement.

•Support for Resolution: Church leadership is committed to providing a listening ear and working towards resolution of concerns in a manner that reflects Christ’s teachings on reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity.

This policy on open communication and respectful engagement is designed to maintain a harmonious, respectful, and spiritually nurturing environment for all members of Liberty Temple Chicago, facilitating constructive dialogue and mutual understanding within the church community.
Conflict Resolution and Church Discipline
Handling Disputes

•Biblical Foundation: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.” (Matthew 18:15-16, ESV)

•Procedure: The church encourages private resolution of disputes whenever possible. If unresolved, the matter should be brought to church leadership with witnesses, as prescribed in Matthew 18.

Insurrection Behavior

•Definition and Scripture: Insurrection, or the act of rising against leadership or the established order, is antithetical to the unity and peace commanded by Scripture. “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” (Romans 16:17, ESV)

•Consequences: Engaging in insurrectionary behavior may lead to suspension from leadership roles or membership, in accordance with 1 Corinthians 5:11-13.

Backbiting and Slander

•Definition and Scripture: Backbiting and slander involve speaking harmfully about others without their knowledge, a practice condemned in Proverbs 16:28: “A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.”

•Consequences: Those found engaging in such behavior will be subject to correction through private counsel and public apology, if necessary. Persistent backbiting may result in disciplinary action, reflective of Ephesians 4:29-32’s call for edifying speech.
Financial Policies
Transparency and Accountability

•Biblical Foundation: “For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” (2 Corinthians 8:21, ESV)

•Practices: Regular financial reports, annual audits by an independent party, and open budget meetings help ensure transparency and accountability.

Financial Policies: Tithing and Offerings

Biblical Foundation of Tithing

•Principle: Tithing, or giving ten percent of one’s income to the church, is a practice rooted in Scripture, demonstrating trust in God’s provision and dedication to His work. “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10, NIV)

•Purpose: Tithes support the church’s ministries, missions, pastoral care, and operational expenses, enabling the church to fulfill its God-given mission.

Offerings Beyond the Tithe

•Principle: Offerings are gifts given freely and are above and beyond the tithe. They are an opportunity for believers to express their gratitude to God, support specific causes, and respond to the needs of the community. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV)

•Purpose: Offerings can be designated for specific ministries, benevolence funds, missions, or building projects, reflecting the giver’s heart and God’s guidance.

Guidelines for Giving

•Heart Attitude: Giving should be done joyfully, willingly, and out of love for God and others, reflecting the heart attitude that God values. “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10, NIV)

•Accountability and Stewardship: The church is committed to stewarding the financial resources entrusted to it with integrity, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that they are used to advance the Gospel and serve the community. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2, ESV)

•Encouragement to Participate: While tithing and offerings are encouraged as acts of worship and obedience, the church recognizes and respects individual financial circumstances. Members are encouraged to seek God’s guidance in their giving and participate according to their ability and conviction.

Receipts and Acknowledgment

•Tracking and Acknowledgment: For accountability and tax purposes, the church will provide annual statements to donors, detailing their contributions. Donors are encouraged to keep records of their giving.

Educational Resources and Support

•Teaching on Financial Stewardship: The church commits to providing ongoing teaching and resources on biblical stewardship, recognizing that managing our finances according to God’s principles is an integral part of our spiritual lives. Workshops, sermons, and small group studies on financial management, generosity, and the impact of tithing and offerings on the church’s mission will be made available.
Facility Use
Conduct on Church Property

•Scripture: “Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14, ESV)

•Guidelines: All activities on church property must reflect the love and respect commanded by Scripture, promoting a safe and welcoming environment.

Gun Policy

Liberty Temple Chicago is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all members and visitors. In alignment with this commitment, our church premises have been designated as a gun-free zone. We respectfully ask that all concealed weapons be left in your vehicle before entering the church building. It is important to note that express authorization, such as written permission, is required for anyone wishing to bring a firearm into the sanctuary. The only exceptions to this policy are individuals who are part of our security team and paid armed forces, who have been specifically authorized to carry firearms as part of their duty to protect our congregation. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and peace of mind of everyone who comes to worship and participate in church activities.
Child and Youth Protection
Safe Environment

•Scripture: “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6, ESV)

•Policies: Comprehensive background checks, child protection training, and strict pick-up and drop-off procedures ensure a safe environment for all children.
Outreach and Evangelism
Community Engagement

•Scripture: “And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’” (Mark 16:15, ESV)

•Approach: The church’s outreach and evangelism efforts aim to reflect Christ’s love and command to spread the Gospel, fostering respectful and loving interactions with the community at large.
Media Release Policy for Liberty Temple Chicago
Liberty Temple Chicago frequently engages in activities that are documented through photographs, videos, and audio recordings. These materials may be used in various media formats, including but not limited to church websites, social media platforms, promotional materials, and publications, to celebrate our community, share the message of faith, and inform about church events and activities. To ensure respect for personal privacy and to comply with legal standards, the following media release policy is established:

Consent for Media Use

•Automatic Consent: By participating in Liberty Temple Chicago services and events, attendees grant automatic consent for their images, voices, and likenesses to be used in church media. This includes photographs, video footage, and audio recordings taken during church services, activities, and events.

•Opt-Out Option: Individuals who do not wish to have their images or voices used in this manner are responsible for notifying the church’s media team upon their arrival at the event or service. The church will make reasonable efforts to accommodate these requests but cannot guarantee complete exclusion, especially in large or public settings.

Use of Media

•Purpose: Media captured at Liberty Temple Chicago events and services will be used exclusively for church-related purposes, such as promotional materials, informational publications, and online content intended to foster community engagement and outreach.

•No Commercial Use: Images, videos, and audio recordings will not be sold, nor will they be used for commercial purposes outside of the church’s sanctioned activities.

Minor Consent

•Parental/Guardian Consent: For individuals under the age of 18, parental or guardian consent is required for the use of any media depicting minors. The church will provide a consent form that must be signed by a parent or guardian before any media featuring minors can be used.

Media Submission by Members

•Submission Guidelines: Members of the congregation are encouraged to share their own media from church events for potential use by Liberty Temple Chicago. All submissions must be appropriate for a church setting and comply with the principles and values of our faith community.

•Rights and Permissions: By submitting media to Liberty Temple Chicago, the submitter grants the church permission to use the media in accordance with this policy, confirming that they have the right to share the content and have obtained any necessary permissions from individuals featured in the media.

This media release policy is designed to protect individual privacy while allowing Liberty Temple Chicago to document and share its vibrant community life and the message of faith. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, or if you need to communicate your opt-out decision, please contact our media team at info@libertytemplechicago.org.
Guidelines for Guest Speakers and Outside Ministers Visiting Liberty Temple Chicago
Liberty Temple Chicago warmly welcomes guest speakers and outside ministers as valued contributors to our church’s spiritual life. To maintain the integrity and privacy of our congregation, we have established guidelines regarding interactions between guest speakers, outside ministers, and our church members.

Respecting Guest Pastors and Leaders

Liberty Temple Chicago holds deep respect for all guest pastors and leaders who join us to share their wisdom, insights, and spiritual guidance. We believe that honoring our guests is not only a reflection of our hospitality but also our reverence for the ways God speaks through diverse voices. As such, we adhere to the biblical principle found in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” In line with this scripture, we encourage our congregation to express respect and gratitude towards guest pastors and leaders. Any disagreements or corrections should be approached with humility and handled privately, not in a public forum, echoing Matthew 18:15, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you.” This approach ensures that we maintain a spirit of unity and respect, allowing God’s word to be shared in an atmosphere of love and acceptance.

Communication and Contact Policy

•Direct Contact Restrictions: Guest speakers and outside ministers are kindly asked to refrain from initiating direct contact with Liberty Temple Chicago members for business or personal matters without express authorization from the Leadership Team. This policy ensures that all communications align with the church’s mission and values.

•Authorization Process: Should there be a need or desire for guest speakers or outside ministers to engage with our members outside of their speaking or ministerial duties, such communication requires prior approval from the Leadership Team. This process involves submitting a request that outlines the purpose and nature of the intended communication.

•Reporting Unsolicited Contact: Members of Liberty Temple Chicago are encouraged to report any unsolicited contact from guest speakers, outside ministers, or individuals associated with other churches for business or personal reasons. Such reports can be made via email at info@libertytemplechicago.org or by phone at 773-273-8550. Prompt reporting ensures that the Leadership Team remains informed and can take appropriate measures to address the situation and maintain the congregation’s privacy and safety.

These guidelines are designed to protect the interests and privacy of our church members while fostering a respectful and harmonious environment for all. Guest speakers and outside ministers play a significant role in enriching our church’s spiritual life, and we believe that clear communication and boundaries are key to maintaining positive and mutually respectful relationships. 
Leadership Selection, Conduct, and Responsibilities
Selection of Leadership

•Principles for Selection: Leadership within the church is a calling that requires discernment, prayer, and adherence to biblical qualifications. “The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.” (1 Timothy 3:1-3, ESV). Leaders are selected based on their demonstrated commitment to Christ, alignment with the church’s beliefs, spiritual maturity, and ability to fulfill their roles effectively.

•Process of Selection: The selection process includes nomination by the existing leadership team, a period of consideration and prayer, an evaluation of the candidate’s qualifications in line with biblical standards, and a confirmation process involving the congregation’s input and agreement during our Ordination Service. 

Standard of Conduct for Leadership

•Biblical Standard of Conduct: Leaders are called to be examples to the flock in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12, ESV). This encompasses all areas of life, including personal integrity, financial stewardship, family relationships, and social interactions.

•Accountability: Leaders are accountable to God, the leadership team, and the church community for their conduct. They must be willing to receive correction and engage in restorative processes if necessary. “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” (Hebrews 13:17, ESV).

Responsibilities Outside and Inside the Church, and Online

•Honorable Life Inside and Outside the Church: Leaders are expected to live honorably, reflecting Christ’s character in all aspects of life, whether in public, in private, or in the digital realm. “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28, ESV), emphasizes the importance of purity of heart and mind. This principle extends to all forms of conduct, urging leaders to maintain integrity in all interactions.

•Online Conduct: In today’s digital age, leaders’ online behavior should be consistent with their offline behavior, characterized by wholesomeness, truthfulness, and kindness. “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:6, ESV). This includes interactions on social media, emails, and all forms of digital communication.

•Role as Ambassadors for Christ: Leaders are ambassadors for Christ, called to represent Him in every sphere of life. This role carries the responsibility to live in such a way that others can see Christ in them, leading others towards a relationship with Jesus through their example. “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20, ESV).

Training and Development

•Continuous Growth: The church commits to supporting leaders in their spiritual, emotional, and professional growth, providing resources, training, and mentorship opportunities to help them excel in their calling and service.

•Rest and Sabbatical Policies: Recognizing the demands of leadership, the church will implement policies for rest, sabbatical, and personal development, ensuring leaders remain spiritually healthy and vibrant in their roles.

By adhering to these principles and standards, church leadership not only upholds the integrity and mission of the church but also sets a Christ-like example for the congregation and the broader community. This commitment to living honorably, both in personal life and in leadership, underscores the transformative power of the Gospel to shape our lives and communities.

Policy on Timely Arrival for Leaders

•Arrival Time: All members of the church leadership, including pastoral staff, ministry leaders, and auxiliary directors, are strongly encouraged to arrive at the church no less than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of each service. This policy is in place to facilitate a unified effort in creating an atmosphere conducive to worship and fellowship.

•Logistical Support: The church will provide necessary support to leaders to help meet this requirement, recognizing that challenges such as transportation or family responsibilities may need to be addressed on an individual basis.

Preparation Activities: The time before the service should be used for:

•Prayer and spiritual preparation, seeking God’s guidance and presence in the service.

•Reviewing any service plans, ensuring clarity on the day’s schedule and any special activities or announcements.

•Greeting early arrivals, especially newcomers, to foster a warm and welcoming environment.

•Coordinating with the worship team, ushers, and other service volunteers to confirm roles and responsibilities.

•Role Modeling: Leaders are expected to model punctuality, preparedness, and a spirit of service, setting a positive example for the congregation.

Support for Leaders

•Communication of Expectations: This policy and its expectations will be clearly communicated to all current and incoming leaders, ensuring they understand the importance of their role in setting the atmosphere for worship.

•Spiritual Preparation: Leaders are encouraged to use this time for personal and collective prayer, setting their hearts and minds on the purpose of the service and inviting the Holy Spirit to move freely among the congregation.

•Fostering Fellowship: This period before services can also strengthen the sense of community and fellowship among the leadership team, providing a valuable opportunity for mutual encouragement and support.

By implementing this policy, Liberty Temple Chicago aims to enhance the quality and impact of its worship services, demonstrating the value placed on preparation, punctuality, and the presence of God in every aspect of church life. This commitment from leadership serves as a cornerstone for a respectful, reverent, and welcoming atmosphere that honors God and edifies the congregation.
Amendment of Policies and Procedures
Continuous Improvement

•Scripture: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16, ESV)

•Process: Regular reviews of policies and procedures ensure they remain aligned with Scripture and the evolving needs of the church community.
Worship and Liturgy Policy
“Worship is the heartbeat of our communal life, serving as a divine conduit for expressing our deepest adoration and gratitude to God. Central to our worship is the act of giving—through tithes and offerings—as it represents a profound demonstration of our faith and obedience. While we incorporate various forms of expression such as music, prayer, dance, and art, the focus remains firmly on honoring God with our financial contributions.”
Principles for Worship and Liturgy:
  • Scriptural Foundation: Our worship is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, which command us to honor the Lord with our finances. As Proverbs 3:9 instructs, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce,” emphasizing that giving is an essential and meaningful act of worship. This scriptural mandate ensures that our offerings are seen not only as a duty but as a vital part of our spiritual worship.
  • Spirit-Led Flexibility: While structure is important, we maintain flexibility to allow for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our services. This means being open to moments of spontaneous giving, which are highly valued as they demonstrate a direct response to God’s movement among us.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: We recognize the importance of inclusive worship that resonates with all congregants. While our primary focus is on tithes and offerings, we also value and incorporate other worship expressions—music, prayer, dance, and art—that enhance the overall worship experience for everyone.
Steps for Cultivating and Implementing Worship and Liturgy:
  • Worship Planning and Preparation: Worship planning is a collaborative effort involving pastors and worship leaders who are committed to creating services that emphasize the importance of tithes and offerings. This team also integrates diverse elements of worship to fully engage the congregation.
  • Worship Leader Training: We provide ongoing training for worship leaders that focuses on emphasizing the biblical importance of tithes and offerings in our worship services. Additionally, leaders are equipped to incorporate various worship expressions that can elevate the overall atmosphere of reverence and adoration.
  • Congregational Engagement: Encouraging active participation is crucial. We focus on educating our congregation about the significance of tithes and offerings as acts of worship while also inviting them to engage through other expressive forms that can deepen their worship experience.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: Regular evaluations help ensure that our focus on tithes and offerings remains central, while also assessing the integration of other worship forms. Feedback from the congregation is crucial for maintaining a balanced and spiritually nourishing worship environment.
These steps affirm our commitment to a worship life that places tithes and offerings at the forefront of our expressions of worship, supported by a variety of other worship forms. By focusing primarily on giving, we honor God’s provision and lordship over our lives, fostering a culture of generosity and gratitude across our community.